
Posts tagged Frankenstein
She Plays Younger

I play younger than I am in almost every customer service interaction I have.

And for many reasons, I’m happy to be out of that profession — at least for the time being. The youth emerged this morning, while I was buying bread at a grocery store. I was using self checkout, there was no reason for me to interact with anyone other than the robot I was handing my credit card to. And yet, for no reason and at a register higher than my natural speaking voice, I turned to an employee near the store’s exit and walk and talked the following phrase, “Thank you so much for your help! Have a great day!” And then, subconsciously, thank you for not catching me in a lie I didn’t tell. I am a child, I am a child, I am a child.

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Writing My Own Ending

I talk about Frankenstein a lot. If you know me IRL, this isn’t news. I’ve been talking non-stop about Mary Shelley, The Creature, and her mother since November. I followed a rigorous “can I adapt a novel in two months and still work at my other jobs?” schedule, turning down anything that wasn’t work or Frankenstein (which, in itself, was also work) for the rest of 2018. I clocked 500 words a day on that project alone, not because I was inspired, but because I couldn’t afford not to. I wrote my ten thousandth word on a flight home from Christmas. I was absolutely no fun to be around.

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